"Come Home to Delta and bring your Sister with you."
Since its founding in 1913 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has distinguished itself as a public service organization that boldly confronts the challenges of African Americans and, hence, all Americans. In realizing its mission, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. provides an extensive array of public service initiatives through its Five-Point Programmatic Thrust of: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness & Involvement, Physical & Mental Health and Political Awareness & Involvement.

The Economic Development Committee's focus is to strengthen and expand the economic influence of Deltas and others who live and work in the African-American community through education in financial planning, investment strategies, marketing, and purchase power. During its many programs throughout the sorority year, this committee engages the community to identify African-American entrepreneurs in an effort to support Black Owned Businesses, increase financial responsibility and create sustaining wealth in our communities. Those programs include:
Delta Online Marketplace
Marketplace Expo
Quarterly Adopt-A-Business Initiative
Home Ownership Workshops
Financial Planning Seminars
Educational Development is a programmatic thrusts and is important because it impacts our future generations and leaders. This committee is divided into 4 primary subcommittees based on the age group it services:
Delta Vipepeo: Youth girls, 1st - 5th grade
Delta Academy: Youth girls, 6th - 8th grade
Delta GEMS: Youth girls, 9th-12h grade
EMBODI: Youth boys, 9th - 12th grade
Additionally, we offer a mentor program specific for young ladies who are high school seniors titled Rites of Passage. All programs enroll annually and are some of the best mentor programs the St. Louis community has available for minority youth!


The International Awareness and Involvement Committee addresses social, cultural, economic and other quality of life concerns in Africa, as well as provide a vehicle for communication and learning between Africans and Americans of African descent. Our programs include:
Senegal Sister Cities Pen-Pal Project
Clean Water for Africa Initiative
International Awareness Book Drive in partnership with our international chapters
Financial Support for Mary Help of the Sick Mission Hospital in Kenya
The Physical and Mental Health Committee focuses on maintaining physical and mental fitness, and seeks to educate women about the high risk factors that impact negatively upon good mental and physical health. This committee has partnered with local fitness instructors to provide individuals with the opportunity to stay physically fit along with supporting national organizations who advocate for important health areas of concern. Some of our programs include:
Hosting of the First Annual Spring Fling Wellness and Marketplace Expo
Collaboration with the Ashley Liane Dance Company's Beginner's Hip Hop Class
Collaboration with the Team Workout Headz Bootcamp
Go RED Day for American Heart Association to inform the community on heart and stroke issues
Team participation of Annual Sista Strut and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure


The Social Action Committee has been enlisted by Grand Chapter to help mobilize the African-American family for the 21st Century. The committee has created links with other organizations within the greater St. Louis community that share the Sorority's vision of public service. This committee also provides ongoing information and updates to enhance functional knowledge of and involvement in social action issues. Programs Include:
Voter's Rights and Education
Advocacy for Local Policies
Delta Days at the State Capital
Delta Days at the Nation's Capital
Law Day with Local Schools
The Arts and Letters Committee focus is on the development of cultural awareness and pride through the preservation of African American history and heritage. Its mission is to support artistic expression reflective of the Black Experience. Programs Include:
Delta Red Carpet
Sylvia Bailey-Small Book Club
Annual Cultural Discovery Tour
Kwanzaa celebration in partnership with Saint Louis Art Museum
Youth Day at the St. Louis African Film Festival